Building a Web Service WhatsApp Cloud API & Flask: Webhook Configuration - Part 2
In the first part of the article, we took some time to configure the WhatsApp application to make requests and start sending messages.
In this article, we'll focus on deploying the application and configuring the flask application for webhook notifications.
Adding the webhook route
We need to add a route first to receive requests from Meta servers and validate the request.
In the app/
, add a new variable called VERIFY_TOKEN
. This variable will be used to validate requests from Meta servers.
It's the authentication token for webhook.
And then add the route.
@app.route("/webhook/", methods=["POST", "GET"])
def webhook_whatsapp():
"""__summary__: Get message from the webhook"""
if request.method == "GET":
if request.args.get('hub.verify_token') == VERIFY_TOKEN:
return request.args.get('hub.challenge')
return "Authentication failed. Invalid Token."
client = WhatsAppWrapper()
response = client.process_webhook_notification(request.get_json())
# Do anything with the response
# Sending a message to a phone number to confirm the webhook is working
return jsonify({"status": "success"}, 200)
The webhook
route can accept GET
and POST
requests. The GET
request is essential for the authentication challenge. After that, each POST
request is treated as a notification.
We process it and can do anything with the result. Here's the code for the process_webhook_notification
def process_webhook_notification(self, data):
"""_summary_: Process webhook notification
For the moment, this will return the type of notification
response = []
for entry in data["entry"]:
for change in entry["changes"]:
"type": change["field"],
"from": change["value"]["metadata"]["display_phone_number"],
# Do whatever with the response
return response
And this is it. You can learn more about the structure of the JSON object with the following documentation. Let's configure the application for deployment on Heroku.
Deploying on Heroku
Create a file called Procfile
at the beginning of the project.
web: gunicorn wsgi:app
Once it's added, create a file called runtime.txt
that will contain the python version that Heroku will use.
To create the application on Heroku, I am using the command cli. Feel free to use the UI dashboard if you are more comfortable. Also, make sure to have created a git repository of the project.
First of all login.
heroku login
After that create an application.
heroku create whatsapp-api-app
Once the application is created, let's set the environment files before pushing. Use the heroku config:set VARIABLE_NAME=VARIABLE_VALUE
command to add the environment variables.
After that, push the branch and deploy.
git push heroku main
The application is deployed and let's add configure the webhook URL for the WhatsApp application configuration.
Configuring Webhook on the WhatsApp application
To use Webhook, you need to configure the service into the application first. In the application dashboard, configure the Webhook feature.
Once it's chosen, configure the webhook URL with your Heroku project and finally add the token.
And once the configuration is validated, you will start receiving notifications on the application deployed on Heroku.
Next article, we'll dive deeper into sending different types of messages, images, or even stickers.
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