How to Be Consistent with Content Creation for Developers

How to Be Consistent with Content Creation for Developers

I’ve published more than 30 articles about programming on DEVto, Medium, Hashnode, and my personal blog starting in April.

If you want to start content creation and stay consistent, read this.👇 I’ve published more than 30 articles about programming on DEVto, Medium, Hashnode, and my personal blog starting in April. If you want to start content creation and stay consistent, read this.

1️⃣ - You don't need to be an expert to start writing

Don't let the complex title of some articles fool you.

The majority of the technical articles on the internet are not complex.

Did you learn how to write a function in JavaScript?

Write an article about it and share. Did you learn a particular concept related to Python?

Write an article about it and share your notes.

You'll be surprised by the number of people you can reach and have meaningful discussions with. It can be experts or people struggling with the concept.

2️⃣ - Write small

Focus on having less than 100 words for your content. If you can do more, feel free to do it.

However, having small content makes it easy to publish on many platforms.

And it's more digestible for the readers.

This is an incredible hack because you don't need more than 30 minutes to put what you've just learned on the screen.

And the repetition also helps solidify the learning in your brain, and even if you forget, well, you can come back and re-read your articles. :)

3️⃣ - Use the right tools

There are many content writing platforms for developers, but I can't recommend enough.

It's simple, the community is very welcoming to new writers, and you can have easy discussions with the platform's developers.

You can also use Medium or Hashnode.

And if you want your article on many blogging platforms with just one click, use @blogguHQ. Reaching many people as possible gives your opportunities to get noticed and create new connections every day.

And if you want, create quick banners for your articles using Canvas or @getstencil.

After all, the banner of an article can say a lot of things about the content of the article.😄

4️⃣ - Get inspired by people

@flaviocopes personally inspired me for writing content with consistency. And the structure of his articles can give you ideas.

Concerning content creation tips, you can check @The_GreatBonnie, @FrancescoCiull4, and @andrewbaisden on Twitter.

5️⃣- Find a reason to do it

It can be anything, and don't be ashamed of that.

Maybe you are looking for new opportunities or a job.

Or new connections. Maybe you want to build an audience.

Or you are doing it because you don't have a paper to take notes of your learnings.👀 A reason will help you stay consistent and achieve your goals.

Personally, I am building an audience and I am writing daily for 90 days.😁

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